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Chairman's Report 2023 - 2024

Posted on the 4th June 2024 at 3:00pm.

IN MINISTRY TO CHILDREN 2023‒2024 Chairman’s report IMC and its dedicated team in Colombia continue to shine as a bright light in a beautiful country which still faces many problems. Despite being a very small team with very limited resources, Director Nancy Centeno...

IMC AGM 2023 Minutes

Posted on the 13th June 2023 at 5:00pm.

Monday 22nd MAY 2023, 7:30pm Held on Zoom and attended by 23 people Welcome and housekeeping Opening prayer Apologies None Business itemsThe minutes of the 2022 AGM which can be found on this link were accepted as an accurate record of last year’s AGM. Proposer: Charles Farr Seconder: Seren...

In Ministry to Children 2022 - 2023 Chairman's Report

Posted on the 9th June 2023 at 2:52pm.

It’s 30 years exactly now since our founders Joan and Terry Thraves first visited Colombia – and that beautiful nation is still struggling to shake off its violent past. Peace deals may have ended the civil war, but armed groups, paramilitaries...

Penny's Christmas Wreath Frundraising Event

Posted on the 17th May 2023 at 11:00am.

At the beginning of December 2022, one of our trustees, Penny, invited 10 of her neighbours to a Christmas wreath workshop. They made a donation to IMC and it raised £250. Here you can see photos of some of their wonderful...

Meeting with IMC Colombia

Posted on the 8th July 2022 at 9:00pm.

IMC Reunion In June 2022, two of our trustees flew to Colombia to visit family. Whilst there, they took the opportunity to meet with Nancy and Maicol, the director and social worker of our partner charity, IMC Colombia. Leah says, "It was fantastic...

AGM 2022 Minutes

Posted on the 17th May 2022 at 11:20am.

Annual General Meeting16th May 2022 7.30pmHeld online 21 people were in attendance online 1. Tim M opened the meeting and welcomed everyone 2. Charles F opened in prayer 3. Previous Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Dave H and Terry T proposed and...

Treasurer's Report 2022

Posted on the 16th May 2022 at 9:35pm.

TREASURER’S REPORT FOR THE 2021 FINANCIAL YEAR Presented by internet video link at the 2022 AGM As usual, I begin my presentation by acknowledging the very important role that the charity Links play in overseeing and managing the IMC accounts on a day...

Chairman's Report 2022

Posted on the 16th May 2022 at 9:30pm.

IN MINISTRY TO CHILDREN 2021‒2022Chairman’s report Colombia has been fighting fires on multiple fronts this year. The pandemic has continued to have a heavy toll on the economy and society, with many people unable simply to feed themselves. Poverty and malnutrition are...

Annual Report 2021

Posted on the 11th May 2021 at 9:11pm.

IN MINISTRY TO CHILDREN 2020 - 2021 Chairman’s report As for so many, 2020 has been a hugely difficult year for IMC and for Colombia. Ongoing challenges, including conflict and the Venezuelan migrant crisis, have been exacerbated by the pandemic. In addition to...

A tragedy fuelled by poverty

Posted on the 13th April 2021 at 8:57pm.

There are places that Colombia has bypassed and abandoned that only become known when tragedy strikes. Few people knew of the existence of Tasajera, in Pueblo Viejo, Magdalena, until 6 July 2020. Tasajera is a small village where people live in extreme poverty and it was here...