AGM 2022 Minutes

Annual General Meeting
16th May 2022 7.30pm
Held online

21 people were in attendance online

1. Tim M opened the meeting and welcomed everyone

2. Charles F opened in prayer

3. Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Dave H and Terry T proposed and seconded that they should be adopted and no objections were raised.

4. Trustee Appointments

Laura H read out the list of current trustees – Tim M, Charles F (treasurer), Leo G-A, Leah G-A, Seren B (Chair). All are mid term and confirmed they are happy to continue.

Krissy and George T are standing down as they feel the time is right to do so and may be going travelling soon. Laura is also standing down this year, and thanked the trustees for her flowers and card.

Penny C is currently away on holiday but is a long term supporter of IMC and has stepped forward to become a trustee which the current and outgoing trustees are delighted about. Penny’s appointment to the board was proposed by Charles F and seconded by Joan T.

Laura introduced Clive and Jenny B who the current and outgoing trustees are also so delighted have stepped forward and expressed interest in becoming trustees. Clive and Jenny introduced themselves. They have a long term connection with IMC having been a part of Joan and Terry’s church when the charity was in its infancy. They feel they are getting to stage of life where they have more time to give and are looking forward to working with IMC. Clive’s appointment to the board of trustees was proposed by Sue H and seconded by Joan T. Jenny’s appointment was proposed by Seren B and seconded by Terry T.

Tim reiterated how thankful the trustees are to have 3 new members of the board, and thanked the outgoing trustees Krissy, George and Laura for their service.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Charles F shared a summary of the accounts for 2021 (see appendix 1). He honoured Links for their important role helping with the financial administration and they are our biggest outgoing but he continues to feel it is excellent value for money. There was a slight drop in income compared to the previous year but overall giving has stood up well in the circumstances. We are continuing to send out £6-7000 per month to Colombia. Gift Aid makes a significant difference to us and we are grateful for it. Charles showed the monthly income profile over the years to demonstrate that there is no clear pattern to how it varies over the year. He also showed the variation in exchange rate which has a big impact on what money is received in Colombia in real terms. Charles thanked all the supporters.

6. Trustees Report

Seren read through the trustees report (see appendix 2), accompanied by some images recently received from Colombia. Seren gave thanks for the current, leaving and new trustees. She highlighted a new area of IMiC work in an area called Los Alpes (Bogota) and Tasajera. Seren honoured the team in Colombia, and thanked all the supporters here in the UK. She expressed gratitude to Life church and to Mike and John A in particular. Special thanks was given to our newsletter editor Martin P, those that help with preparing an distributing the newsletter and our patrons Joan and Terry T.

A video clip about Los Alpes was shown. It was a real reminder about how poor the area is. It showed the accommodation of one family that IMiC are involved with.

7. Interview with Nancy C

Nancy, IMiC Director in Colombia joined the meeting online and was welcomed by Seren.
Leah asked Nancy to describe the current situation in Colombia and how it has impacted children and families.

Nancy said (paraphrased)
It is a privilege to be here. Insecurity and conflict continues in Colombia. Also the corruption and mismanagement which adds to Colombia’s problems. The situation in Colombia was already critical in terms of food, education, healthcare and social problems; and the pandemic made things worse. 20 million are now living in poverty due to the pandemic and the economic restrictions.
One of the most significant issues is armed groups are still involved in drug trafficking. The pandemic and economic problems has caused a resurgence in criminal activity. There is poverty, great suffering, insecurity, death and violence across the country and families have been particularly affected. The country has also hosted a lot of Venezuelan refugees which has brought additional social problems.
One of the great problems is corruption. Money that should have gone to education or health care etc. has been stolen/robbed so young people have not had opportunities. So they look to survive. It’s called ‘micro traffickers’ – children recruited from a very young age to traffic (and consume) drugs, and this is causing very serious problems. It has done great harm to a whole generation of young people who are ‘easy prey’. They have lost their childhood through poverty and drug taking.

Leah asked Nancy if she could give a brief overview of one or two new projects IMC in the UK might be less familiar with?

Nancy explained that La Guajira remains a priority because of the high infant mortality and high rates of malnutrition.
Los Alpes in Bogota – People come there from all over the country. Many have been displaced by violence or conflict. It is an informal settlement on unstable hillsides. The family we saw in the video with mother and daughter M and G. They come from Tolema, they have come because the daughter needs HIV treatment and couldn’t get it where they lived so they hoped to get it in Bogota. They have no regular income and are living hand to mouth. They have nothing. The house we saw in the video they pay rent for, it is very basic with no toilet. The mother goes to work as much as she can to get supplies for her and her unwell daughter. They can’t go to the comedor but they get food delivered 3 x week from IMiC and a food package. The daughter also has a potential tumour (as yet undiagnosed). They are supporting the family to access food and medicine.

Leah asked how IMiC is managing with purchasing food given the price hikes in Colombia?

Nancy confirmed food prices in Colombia are very high currently. She said that IMiC is able to purchase food at low prices via Food Banks e.g. one linked to the catholic church. But resources are tight.

Leah asked what changing priorities have there been in 2022?

Nancy said La Guajira is still a priority owing to the high poverty index and infant mortality index there. Hunger and lack of access to clean drinking water are serious issues. The people there resort to drinking standing water which carries a high risk of disease. They need more wells and to explore other ways of getting safe drinking water. They also need irrigation to help cultivate kitchen gardens to grow food for themselves and to sell.
Education is a key priority and lots of children are sitting outside at the school building in El Brasil as there isn’t space for them inside.
Livelihoods is another area IMiC would like to support with there. They don’t want to give handouts and leave them dependent, they want to help families to help themselves e.g. through Mochila crafts, and helping them develop markets.

Nancy said a big thank you to all those at the meeting and all the supporters in the UK, she gave a special greeting and thank you to Joan and Terry T.

8. Joan and Terry T

Laura explained to the meeting how around 10 years ago the late Paula H, Penny C, Seren B and others were involved in nominating Joan and Terry for a Queen’s birthday list honour. We wanted to let Joan and Terry know about this and they were given a box with information in about it. Laura read out some excerpts from the lengthy application that the nominators filled in about Joan and Terry and why they deserved the award.

Nancy commented that Joan and Terry will never know how many lives will have been touched by them starting this work, and that they are the heart of IMC. That they have travelled, visited, and encouraged people and brought love and big hearts. She prays for health and blessings for them. She said God has great things for them and that this work is the fruit of what they have done.

Joan and Terry said that was better than a Queen’s honour and meant more, and said they thanked God for the helpers and supporters and that they are thrilled to be still in touch with many of the boys through Facebook. Joan said God chose them to go to Colombia, they didn’t choose, and they will be forever grateful.

9. Fundraising & Events

Krissy and George gave a fundraising and events update.
They reiterated the message that we are so grateful to all our supporters.
Facebook birthday fundraisers have been great this year.
Leah created a brilliant presentation that was shared with churches and there was a great response to our 2021 Christmas appeal.
We have been blessed by some generous legacy gifts from supporters who have passed away and are very grateful for this.
A big event is underway with the Challenge Hound group effort to cover the distance from London to Bogota. Special mentioned to David Comley who has just completed his 1000th km! There is still time to get involved so please contact us if anyone would like to join in.

10. Questions

Tim M opened the floor to questions. Dave H asked about the status of Granja Peniel. Seren B explained that IMiC still own it and are farming the land, it is rented out sometimes for educational use, weddings, retreats. It doesn’t seem to be the right economic climate to sell it and it does provide an income.

11. Leo closed in prayer

Posted on the 17th May 2022 at 11:20am.